We encourage you to help us achieve our goal of bringing Jonas Salk and his scientific and philosophical spirit to as many places as possible. Together we will take him around the world, carry on his legacy, and remind people of a role model who prioritized people’s well-being over profit.

Similar to the extremely successful Flat Stanley project 25 years ago, we’ve created an eye-catching and charming design of Jonas Salk that you can print out, take a photo with in front of your favorite places, and then share on social media. Some of the photos created so far are shown in the gallery below.
Creators: Mareike Bielok, Calvin Dunker // March, 2021 // CC BY-NC-SA
Try it out!

Make your own Flat Salk and help him visit your favorite places.
Share it on social media #FreeTheVaccine #PeoplesVaccine #JonasSalkAroundTheWorld
1) Print the sketch
2) Glue it on cardboard or thicker paper
3) Cut out the outline of Jonas Salk
4) Take a picture with the cutout in front of a landmark, a place important to you, or a beautiful place in your neighborhood
5) Share the photo on social media and get more people to do the same